
Sandy Ko


Ask Sandy about product marketing, user research, balancing work and serious hobbies, career development, and growth mindset. Industry: Tech | Marketing | Role: EMEA Consumer Search & Apps Marketing, Google

Industry: Tech | Marketing

Role: EMEA Consumer Search & Apps Marketing, Googl

Sandy Ko is a Consumer Product Marketing Manager for Google Search. Her job is to highlight opportunities for Google to create helpful product experiences that people will love, and share them with the world in a memorable way. Her Google adventure started in 2003, where she’s accumulated expertise from roles across New York and London — from managing an advertising platform support team, to strategy and operations, to her present role in product marketing. Prior to Google she was an electrical engineer in Silicon Valley.

Through the evolution of her career, the common themes are (1) a love of problem solving, (2) being energised by solving for the unknown and the unexpected, and (3) sparking curiosity and creativity to identify solutions. She believes that personal and professional growth is constant and plentiful.

She’s also an avid fine art photographer. See her work on her Instagram.

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