Opportunities, Apprenticeships and Support
Get set to GO FAR
Find opportunities, jobs and support resources on the Apprentice Nation Go Far page.
It can be hard to know where to start when thinking about your career. Our partners offer a range of resources to help you explore your options and get started.
Click on the logos below to see how each of our partners can help you to GET STARTED.
Multiverse matches you with best apprenticeships at some of the UK’s most exciting companies. By delivering training in partnership with world-class content providers and providing a real social experience, Multiverse is creating a true alternative to university via apprenticeships.
Check out all available roles to kickstart your career.
Wherever you are in the UK. Whatever industry you’re look to enter. Visit the Career Map jobs board here.
Creative Lives in Progress
From useful tools to reassuring guidance, Creative Lives in Progress is packed with insights into the world of work, across the creative industries.
For zero-jargon job role definitions from across the creative industries, see here.
Read about what everyday life is like for different creatives, here.
Browse the studios, companies, agencies and teams making waves in industry, here.
Wondering how an apprenticeship could open a door for you? Digital Marketing Apprentices, Molly and Richard, share their stories here.
LinkedIn is super helpful to start exploring what’s out there. Search for different companies, see the people who work there, and look at their profiles to see how they have shaped their careers.
Sign up here and make your profile to get started!
The Mix
The Mix is the UK’s leading digital charity for young people. Whatever issue we may be facing, The Mix is always there for us – via their website, over the phone or via social media. Providing free, confidential and anonymous support, The Mix helps with anything from money to mental health, homelessness to jobs, break-ups to drugs and more. No topic is out of bounds, and they are completely non-judgemental.
Visit The Mix’s website to access their peer-led and moderated community, multi-channel helpline, counselling service, crisis support messenger and wide range of support articles, or follow @TheMixUK for support on social media.
Young Minds
Young Minds is a mental health charity especially for young people. They’re leading the fight for a future where all young minds are supported and empowered, whatever the challenges.
If your mental health has taken a dip, you’re not alone. Get support for the challenges you’re facing, here.
Creative Access
Creative Access work with people from under-represented backgrounds to make the creative industries reflect our society. They’ll help you get your foot in the door and support you throughout your creative career.
Find out more about what you’ll get from applying to jobs through Creative Access here.
Sign up here.
ScreenSkills has a wealth of information and resources, shining a light on the Film, TV, VFX (visual effects), animation and games industries.
Young Creative Council
Creative industry taking your fancy? The Young Creative Council bridges the gap between young talent (you!) and the creative industries.
Check out industry-insider advice here.
Prince’s Trust
Visit the Coronavirus Support Hub here for some top advice and guidance to help you develop your confidence and skills, as you explore your next steps for finding a job or becoming self-employed.
Rate My Apprenticeship
RateMyApprenticeship.co.uk is the UK’s leading job resource for young people seeking apprenticeships. This resource is for students, schools and parents in order to educate young people about their career options, and inspire them to take an exciting next step after they leave school or college.
Over 33,000 reviews have been submitted on RateMyApprenticeship, all written by apprentices about their experiences working for employers in a range of industries. As well as reviews, they advertise apprenticeship vacancies with opportunities for students across the UK, alongside expert careers advice.
Read apprenticeship reviews here.
Read about your different options here.
Read about some of the different industries you could enter here.
Apprentice Talks Podcast
Apprentice Talks is an educational podcast made to educate, inform and give insight into what it’s really like to be an Apprentice and juggle multiple worlds. Whether that is just juggling work and study, or whether you have hobbies and social events to juggle too. Formed of four degree-level apprentices, all at different stages in their programme, who recognised that there is a lack of balanced advice and guidance from current apprentices for prospective apprentices.
UK Government
Whether you know where you’re heading or not, knowing about the education and training choices open to you is a great place to start. Explore all your choices, including T Levels, apprenticeships and Higher Technical Qualifications in Skills for Life. You can also get ideas about the type of job you might like or speak to an adviser by webchat or phone for free support.
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GiGL (http://getgigl.com/) has you covered with full time, part time and weekend roles – whether you want some extra cash or to build a career.
Do a flip, serve a beer, make people laugh. Record it, post it and get hired ✅
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Apprenticeships 101
Apprenticeships are a form of education, much like university, sixth form and college but with a twist. Rather than being in full-time education, you’re in part-time and you get paid to earn whilst you learn. At Apprentice Nation it’s all about landing a career you love, and with an apprenticeship that becomes so much easier. You’ll get the chance to get experience in a field that you care about and also finish the course with a useful qualification in that field. Though we don’t offer apprenticeships ourselves, our partners BT and Multiverse do.
The minimum wage for an apprentice is now £5.28 per hour, but many employers pay more than this. In fact, some Higher Apprenticeships can pay as much as £500 per week. However, more than just earning a salary, you will receive training in the skills employers want, increasing your future earning potential. Apprentices receive marked salary increases on completion of their training and the roles often offer great opportunities for career progression. —– In an apprenticeship, your wage varies depending on different factors, but there is also a national minimum wage for apprenticeships. This is £3.90 per hour. If you’re under 19 or in your first year of your apprentice then this is the bare minimum that you can be paid. Beyond that, you will be able to earn the national minimum wage for your given age. From April 2019 this consists of: -£4.35 (per hour) if you’re under 18 -£6.15 (per hour) if you’re 18 – 20 -£7.70 (per hour) if you’re 21-24 -£8.21 (per hour) if you’re 25 or over However, you’re not limited to the low end of potential salaries. The weekly wage average wage for apprentices is £200 but many large organisations will also offer higher salaries in their higher apprenticeships that can bounce that up from £300 – £500. One example would be BT, who offer a starting salary of £16,179 per year, plus an additional allowance if you live in London (£3,380 or £1,670). Other companies can also pay up to £23,000 per year. To add to that, taking on an apprenticeship is absolutely free so you don’t have to worry about paying tuition fees. All of your training on an apprenticeship scheme will be covered by your employer. You’ll still pay tax and national insurance, but the national apprenticeship service will cover your tuition fees if you are between 16 and 24.
From business to film, law and retail; apprenticeships don’t limit your potential pathways. A quick google search can point you in the direction of different apprenticeship providers for your chosen industry. Which in some cases may make it easier for you to proceed in your career, due to getting experience in the skills you need to be successful.
While it is widely acknowledged that full-time education, such as college, sixth form or university is a proven route into employment, this route does not always offer the valuable work experience that an Apprenticeship can offer and there’s still no guarantee of a job at the end. Apprenticeships allow you to earn while you learn, and give you the opportunity to develop the skills employers really want, including specific skills relating to your job, their company and your sector.
To start you have to at least be 16 years old, living in England and not currently in full-time education. You’ll also need to have certain qualifications depending on which level you apply for. This could be GCSEs at grade C/level 4 + in English and Maths or an advanced apprenticeship/ A levels or NVQ level 3. Next, you need to look for an apprenticeship in the industry you’d like to work in and apply. You can do this by visiting various websites that offer or hold directories of apprenticeships.
If you are aged 16 or over and not in full time education, then you are eligible to start an Apprenticeship. You can also apply for a position if you will be 16 at the commencement of the scheme.
Traineeships are aimed at giving 16-24 year-olds the opportunity to develop the skills they need to find, and succeed in, employment or progress onto an Apprenticeship. They are comprised of three main elements to prepare you for an Apprenticeship, including English and Maths, work preparation skills and a practical work placement with a local employer. Traineeships are unpaid (however travel expenses and costs of meals may be reimbursed) and should be viewed as a stepping stone into work. They can last anywhere between six weeks and six months. Apprenticeships are designed to enable an individual to progress within a business over a longer period of time whilst gaining nationally recognised qualifications. An Apprenticeship is a career, not just a job. Apprenticeships are for those aged 16 or over who are not in full time education and can last anywhere between one and five years.
Apprenticeships offer degree and master’s degree level apprenticeships (level 6 & level 7) which allow you to progress your career past university with work and studies merged into one program.
Once you’ve found an apprenticeship that’s right for you, with potential pay that you’re happy with you can continue to send your application. To help you to succeed you can have a look at some CV tips by Not Going To Uni and if you’re in need of some interview tips then you can check out this blog by Careermap. When you’ve started your apprenticeship there are even discounts on offer for you with an NUS card that can get you Amazon Prime student membership and an Apprentice Oyster photocard.
Want to get active and build your skills? Our partners offer a huge range of exciting workshops, events and volunteering opportunities. Get involved!
Click on the logos below to see how each of our partners can help you to GET INSPIRED.
BT: Skills for Tomorrow
BT have loads of events and webinars coming up. Whether you’d like to improve your digital skills or interview technique.
Sign up for as many as you want here – they’re free!
Movement to Work
Movement to Work help you take the leap from school to the workplace. Want to keeping learning from home? Join Movement to Work’s employability skills training.
Looking for more experience in the workplace? Traineeships and Work Experience are a great stepping stone towards your first job.
To find a Traineeship, click here.
To find Work Experience, click here.
Creative Lives in Progress
Ready to get doing? Creative Lives in Progress have got you covered…
Events – from group Portfolio Reviews to Pep Talks with inspiring creatives.
Advice – Words of wisdom on a wide range of topics, from preparing portfolios to building confidence and essential skills.
Resources – Helpful information, tools and recommendations, from inspiring podcasts and documentaries to the latest funding schemes to apply to.
Guides – Comprehensive guides to get practical, with actionable steps on everything from pitching for work to building connections.
The Mix
The Mix is the UK’s leading digital charity for young people. Whatever issue we may be facing, The Mix is always there for us – via their website, over the phone or via social media. Providing free, confidential and anonymous support, The Mix helps with anything from money to mental health, homelessness to jobs, break-ups to drugs and more. No topic is out of bounds, and they are completely non-judgemental.
Visit The Mix’s website to access their peer-led and moderated community, multi-channel helpline, counselling service, crisis support messenger and wide range of support articles, or follow @TheMixUK for support on social media.
Young Minds
Are you a young activist passionate about mental health? Sign up to get involved with campaigning at Young Minds. Or, to apply to become a Young Minds Activist, click here.
Career Ready
Career Ready is an incredible 360-degree experience, preparing you for the world of work. Including one-to-one mentoring, skills masterclasses, and work experiences, for students over 16 years old.
If you’re a student in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, register here.
If you’re in Scotland, register here.
The Mainstream Podcast
Remember Remel London from the Going Far webinar? Check out her podcast The Mainstream – all about how your favourite creatives have broken into the mainstream of their industries:
Apple Podcasts | Global Player | Spotify
Remel London is an award-winning TV & Radio presenter, Live host and the founder of The Mainstream creative platform.
Beatfreeks is a fast-growing community of young people using their creativity to change society.
Join today to be in the driving seat for change. Get involved with paid research and connect with business, government and funders so that you can influence how the world works.
Looking for Work Experience? Apprenticeships, or University Events?
Sign up to www.upskillme.io to discover a hub of free career opportunities. You can also use the platform to showcase all of your amazing achievements on a digital portfolio which can be shared with an employer or university to stand out from the crowd.
Code First Girls
Interested in a career in Digital or Tech? Code First Girls offer free online courses introducing you to different coding languages.
You don’t need any previous coding experience. To be eligible for CFG’s Coding Kickstarter (general) courses you must identify as a woman or non-binary and have a working laptop/desktop and meet one of the following:
- aged 18-23 OR
- have studied in the last two years OR
- be a current student at a university or college.
Creative Access
Read the inspirational stories of go-getters who have entered the creative industries through Creative Access here.
Big Creative Education
Big Creative Education is a creative college in London.
Check out their Adult Learning courses for over-19 year olds to boost your employability.
Browse their Creative Courses for 16-24 year olds, ranging from Production Arts to Sports Studies to Music Production and more.
All BCE courses are free for 16-23 year olds if funding criteria is met. To discuss this further, email: recruitment@bigcreative.education
Young Creative Council
Check out the latest events from the Young Creative Council and partners.
After some advice from creatives in industry? Here’s a list of agency contacts who would love to chat with you!
Access free training from ScreenSkills, including online events and e-learning, wherever you’re based.
Whether you’re interested in Film, TV, Gaming, VFX (visual effects) or Animation, or you’re not sure just yet, book in to explore!
Prince’s Trust
Boost your confidence and gain new skills on Team – a 12-week personal development programme. Learn more and sign up.
Get on-the-job experience and mentoring on the Get Into programme. Learn more and sign up.
NCS is a youth programme like no other. Designed specially for 16 and 17 year olds, the NCS experience will give you a clearer idea of what you want from your future. To find out more, click here.
Grab your spot by signing up here
Youth Advisors Network
Looking to meet like-minded people? Make your CV shine? Have a say in the future of Apprentice Nation? This is for you!
Click here to get the low-down and apply
Applications close Sunday 2 May @ 12am
Ready to start applying? Whether you’re looking for apprenticeships, internships or any other job, here are the best jobs out there for career starters like you.
Click on the logos below to see how each of our partners can help you to GET HIRED.
BT offer Level 3 and Level 6 Apprenticeships, from Digital to Sales to Engineering and much more.
Visit their jobs board here for all apprenticeship opportunities.
Multiverse can help you kickstart your career by enabling access to the best career-focused apprenticeships on offer.
Wondering what apprenticeships are out there? Check out all available roles and sign up to Multiverse today to get expert support for your career journey.
Wherever you are in the UK. Whatever industry you’re look to enter. Visit the Career Map jobs board here.
Creative Lives in Progress
The Opportunities Board at Creative Lives in Progress is filled with gems.
Have a browse and get applying here.
GetMyFirstJob offers you a whole new way to find Apprenticeships, Degree Apprenticeships, Work Experience and Graduate opportunities to get ahead. It’s not just a search tool – they’ll connect you with the Best Employers, Colleges & Providers and Universities to get you on the right track faster.
Diversifying Group
Diversifying Group is a Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) Services organisation.
Their mission is to transform the world of work for a more accepting future.
Founded by the award-winning Cynthia Davis in 2015, Diversifying Group are Black, female majority-owned and have built a reputation for being a supportive but critical partner.
Diversifying Group provide a blend of Talent Attraction, Executive Search, Recruitment Marketing, Events, Training and Consultancy Services to support organisations on their journey to inclusive working.
They provide the tools, insights, and audience to make real and tangible progress for social change.
You can explore available opportunities through www.diversifying.io
Any questions? Contact Diversifying Group via info@diversifying.com
Looking for Work Experience? Apprenticeships? Graduate jobs?
Sign up to www.upskillme.io to discover a hub of free career opportunities. You can also use the platform to showcase all of your amazing achievements on a digital portfolio which can be shared with an employer or university to stand out from the crowd.
Movement to Work
Looking for work experience to boost your CV? Movement to Work partner with employers to provide work placements that combine employability skills training with on-the-job experience.
Creative Access
By applying to jobs through Creative Access you’ll get ongoing support before, during, and after your placement.
Search for the latest opportunities here.
UK Sport
Interested in entering the Sports industry? The UK Sports jobs board lists Apprenticeships and paid Internships.
Big Creative Education
Apply for a Traineeship with Big Creative Education, to help you progress onto a creative Apprenticeship in future.
Ready for an Apprenticeship? BCE Apprenticeships are full-time Level 3 and Level 4 courses that combine creative industry employment with off-the-job training that includes online coursework, tutorials and masterclasses.
Young Creative Council
AD JOB WALL is a junior-only jobs board for the creative industries, run by the Young Creative Council.
Careers in Sport
The jobs board at Careers in Sport lists both Apprenticeships and Sports Courses to get your foot in the door.
UK Government
Whether you know where you’re heading or not, knowing about the education and training choices open to you is a great place to start. Explore all your choices, including T Levels, apprenticeships and Higher Technical Qualifications, through the Get the Jump hub. You can also get ideas about the type of job you might like or speak to an adviser by webchat or phone for free support.
There are loads of different ways to use LinkedIn to find a job.
You can find companies and the people who work there, to see the career paths that have got them there. You can also send people a message if you’d like to have a chat and ask some questions! Or you can search for jobs.
Visit LinkedIn here and get exploring.
Prince’s Trust
Want support starting your own business? The Prince’s Trust are here for you! Click here.
Need money to train for a new career? Get funding to train, learn and GO FAR. Find out more here.
Rate My Apprenticeship
RateMyApprenticeship.co.uk is the UK’s leading job resource for young people seeking apprenticeships. This resource is for students, schools and parents in order to educate young people about their career options, and inspire them to take an exciting next step after they leave school or college.
Over 33,000 reviews have been submitted on RateMyApprenticeship, all written by apprentices about their experiences working for employers in a range of industries. As well as reviews, they advertise apprenticeship vacancies with opportunities for students across the UK, alongside expert careers advice.
Finishing uni soon? Head to the jobs board at GradBay for some exciting opportunities especially for you!
Lifetime Training UK
Lifetime Training provide apprenticeships from Level 2 to Level 6.
For the latest apprenticeship vacancies, click here.

Get funds to shape your future with the £500 Unlock Your Potential Bursary.
Northcoders: Skills Bootcamp in Software Development
Remote / Virtual
Remote / Virtual
GiGL (http://getgigl.com/) has you covered with full time, part time and weekend roles – whether you want some extra cash or to build a career.
Do a flip, serve a beer, make people laugh. Record it, post it and get hired ✅
Download Now (https://app.getgigl.com)