Safeguarding Policy

Safeguarding Policy


Apprentice Nation Safeguarding Policy

1.0 Introduction, Scope and Purpose

Safeguarding is an all-encompassing term used to describe many aspects of keeping Participants of Apprentice Nation safe, which includes:

  • Health, safety and wellbeing of Apprentice Nation Participants
  • Child protection
  • Protection of adults at risk
  • Bullying, harassment and discrimination including racial abuse
  • Self-harm
  • Abuse and neglect
  • Domestic violence
  • Safety from sexual exploitation, female genital mutilation and forced marriage
  • Alcohol, drug and substance misuse
  • E-safety including all aspects of online and electronic communication
  • Financial exploitation
  • Protecting people from radicalisation and extremism
  • The security and safety of Apprentice Nation’s premises for work and learning

This Apprentice Nation policy covers safeguarding at both online and in-person events. All Apprentice Nation staff, including Skills Leaders, will take responsibility to understand their role in supporting safeguarding across all aspects of provision, and for familiarising themselves with the appropriate procedures and other policies that support this overarching document.

1.1 Terminology

  • RockCorps Ltd is the parent company of Apprentice Nation.
  • Apprentice Nation is a programme supporting 16-25 year olds, particularly those from historically underrepresented communities, to build essential skills for work and life.
  • Apprentice Nation ‘Participants’ refers to any young person who has become involved in any part of the programme.
  • Apprentice Nation Members are Participants who have signed up for an apprenticenation.co.uk online account.

1.2 Key Principles

Apprentice Nation operates within the following key principles:

  • All Participants of Apprentice Nation are treated with respect and courtesy by staff and each other, in an environment free from harassment or discrimination;
  • All learning and entertainment environments, online and offline, communal areas, facilities and equipment comply with legislative health and safety standards;
  • Apprentice Nation works with its Participants and partner organisations to promote a safe and healthy culture;
  • Apprentice Nation develops partnerships to proactively protect Participants at risk of abuse, neglect or harm;
  • Apprentice Nation staff have a clear understanding and awareness of personal safety and good safeguarding practices, as well as what factors may make a person vulnerable to a range of safeguarding concerns;
  • Apprentice Nation works with Participants to promote their own personal health, wellbeing and safety, online and offline, such as at home, school university and the workplace;
  • Participants are given the tools and information to seek confidential advice, guidance and support for the range of issues and challenges they may face in different environments.
  • Apprentice Nation supports Participants in building personal resilience and making informed and sensible decisions about their safety and wellbeing, in an attempt to prevent them from being exploited and or abused.

1.3 Participants’ Entitlement

In order to promote a healthy and safe environment, Apprentice Nation Participants are entitled to the following:

  • The right to make a disclosure to any member of staff and know that the disclosure will be dealt with quickly, sensitively and appropriately;
  • To learn in an environment free from bullying or harassment;
  • To be aware of strategies and actions to keep themselves safe whether at work, in learning or online;
  • To be aware of how to access support on personal health and safety issues with the appropriate agency;
  • To have access to up-to-date information about personal safety and wellbeing issues;
  • The opportunity to comment and feedback on the extent to which Apprentice Nation promotes wellbeing and safety;
  • To learn about interpersonal and communication skills that promote and establish a welcoming, safe and respectful environment.

2.0 Different Areas of Safeguarding

The safeguarding efforts of Apprentice Nation are supported by the following core strands of activity, where relevant, working procedures and other policy documents have been signposted within this section.

2.1 Online & Virtual Spaces

In live group online sessions (Webinars, Into The Booth Q&As and Live Shows) participants are reminded to be respectful of each other at all times, and a moderator is present to ensure that anyone who fails to engage respectfully is removed from the session.

In 1:1 online Mentor Sessions, a facilitator from the Apprentice Nation team is present at all times, and is responsible for feeding back any safeguarding concerns regarding the participant  to the Safeguarding Lead. All Mentor Sessions must always be recorded, should any safeguarding concerns be made apparent during the session.

When on video call, Apprentice Nation staff will where possible be in a neutral area where nothing personal or inappropriate can be seen or heard in the background. Only Apprentice Nation accounts will be used to communicate via email or online platforms, never personal accounts.

2.2 Safe learning

The principles of promoting physical, emotional, mental and financial wellbeing are embedded into Apprentice Nation content and activity.

Apprentice Nation is committed to engaging Participants on issues related to financial health, mental health and physical health – in order to improve their quality of life. The aim is to provide Participants  with the tools and information to make healthy and safe decisions in work and life.

2.3 Safe environment

Apprentice Nation provides an environment that is safe and secure for all users, whilst at the same time is friendly and welcoming. Apprentice Nation follows strict regulations for authorised entry only for staff and registration processes for visitors. Visitors under 18 must receive signed consent from their parent or guardian to attend Apprentice Nation offline events. A culture of respect that is free from bullying and harassment is paramount. Health and safety is of paramount importance and must never be compromised or shortcut; as such all facilities and resources comply with legislative requirements for health and safety

2.4 Safe recruitment

RockCorps Ltd, the parent company of Apprentice Nation, complies with best practice in the recruitment and training of its staff, in line with legislative requirements. All staff undergo the appropriate pre-employment checks including DBS checks necessary for their role and undertake mandatory safeguarding training appropriate to their role. Staff understand the principles of safe working practices, and how not to put themselves in situations that compromise themselves, guests or Apprentice Nation participants. All new-starters receive an appropriate induction, including safeguarding training relevant to their role.

2.5 Safeguarding Apprentice Nation Participants

Apprentice Nation has a legal obligation to protect young people and vulnerable adults from abuse. Apprentice Nation has an appropriately trained Designated Safeguarding Lead who ensures that disclosures made by participants to any member of the Apprentice Nation team are dealt with quickly, sensitively and appropriately.

All staff are trained in the appropriate response to a Participant’s disclosure and the correct procedure for dealing with concerns about a participant. This is outlined in the Safeguarding Need-To-Know for Apprentice Nation Team Members.

3.0 Key Responsibilities

3.1 The Senior Designated Person – is the CEO, Stephen Greene.

They are responsible for ensuring that safeguarding processes and procedures are robust and consistently applied and that Apprentice Nation fulfills its legal duties as enshrined within the legislation.

3.2 The Deputy Senior Designated Person is the Apprentice Nation Lead, Milly Horsley.

They are responsible for ensuring that safe recruitment practice is embedded and implemented across Multiverse, that personnel records are accurately maintained and that all staff have received appropriate training and development. They are the first point of contact for complaints made against staff.

3.3 The Designated Safeguarding Lead is the Extension Manager, Hannah Haddad.

They are responsible for making sure that all staff are aware of how to raise safeguarding concerns, ensuring that all staff understands the signs and symptoms of abuse, neglect or harm, referring any concerns appropriately and in a timely manner to the relevant bodies, and maintaining accurate records of safeguarding practice and documentation.

3.4 All employees have a responsibility for completing their training, familiarising themselves with the Safeguarding Need-to-Know document. They are also responsible for ensuring they understand their own role in the promotion of safeguarding and the appropriate action to be taken should they receive a disclosure or have concerns about an apprentice.