
Bukola Garry

M&C Saatchi Sport & Entertainment London

Ask Bukola about: diversity and inclusion, operations, marketing, advertising and PR, strategist, idea generation, relationship marketing, relationship management.

Industry: Advertising | Marketing | PR | Social Impact

Role: Head of Cultural Impact, M&C Saatchi Sport & Entertainment London

Bukola started her career as a Media Planner at ZenithOptimedia for Procter and Gamble. However, after 4 years experiencing the consequences of underrepresentation within the industry, Bukola changed career paths and moved into the social sector. More recently, Bukola worked as Diversity & Inclusion Manager at advertising agency Havas London and in 2021 she moved to adam&eveDDB as the newly appointed Head of Diversity, Equality and Inclusion.

Bukola is on the advisory boards of two black-owned SMEs: Blanguage, a curation brand that showcases worldwide talent through creating authentic experiences and TING, set up to ensure every business has a plan in place to welcome marginalised people into their company culture, supporting their wellbeing and career success.

Bukola would say, working as Diversity & Inclusion Manager means having the opportunity to learn, inform and encourage dialogue around bias, identity and representation. It is about being able to learn from people and their different experiences and use this to influence better and more inclusive business culture. Diversity and inclusion is not something to do but something to be. It is about making conscious decisions every day that consider and celebrate all types of people. As humans we are built for connection and we are only made richer by being open to exploring the different ways we contribute to society – THERE IS ROOM FOR US ALL!

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