Caspar Wegner
Caspar is an award-winning multi-disciplinary cultural worker and media maker with a current emphasis on youth & community work.
Caspar is an award-winning multi-disciplinary cultural worker and media maker with a current emphasis on youth & community work. Caspar‘s approach to his work is rooted in anti-racist and queer school of thought with an emphasis on critical whiteness studies – this is backed up by a strong desire to create safe spaces and representation for people who do not fit into the perpetuated western norms of hetero-cis-white male identities. In his spar time, Caspar can be found reading a book by favored Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and swimming in one of Finland‘s thousands of lakes.
Which music star, past or present, would you like to be stuck in a lift with and why?
Burna Boy, as I would love to talk about his notions on Pan-Africanism, politics in Nigeria and his creative process. Additionally, his highly fashionable outfit would help to ease my anxiety of being stuck in a cramped space.
What one song could you listen to on repeat for the next year, why?
This is a very difficult choice but I would say JA ARA E by Burna Boy. The lyrics, the rhythm, the soul, Burna‘s voice. Just ICONIC.