Michael Lynas
Ask Michael about starting the NCS Trust, running a not-for-profit, working at Number 10 as an advisor, and management consulting. Role: UK Country Director, Duolingo.
Industry: Social Impact | Not-for-profit | Youth
Role: UK Country Director, Duolingo
Michael is an experienced executive with passion for purpose. He has worked across all three sectors – for Bain in the private sector, for No10 in the public sector, and founded a not-for-profit with annual income of £180M. Michael gets excited by working with great people to scale big ideas. Most proud of founding National Citizen Service Trust, building a new national institution enshrined in legislation and by Royal Charter that has created billions of pounds of social value by supporting 600,000 young people – building bridges across social divides and ladders to opportunity. He continues to serve NCS as a Patron and sit on the Board of the John Browne Charitable Trust. Michael is also on the board of City Year UK.
He is currently leading a new initiative, INTO CareerFirst, supporting students to find their dream job.
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