Meet Devina
Devina Sivaprasad, 18, Oxford
Devina is a creative who enjoys making YouTube videos and working with digital media. While all her friends were applying to university, Devina knew she wanted to take advantage of doing an apprenticeship. She took part in Apprentice Nation to support her applications and boost her confidence. In December 2020, she started her apprenticeship with Openreach.
Taking part in Apprentice Nation has helped me in many ways from becoming aware of creative opportunities or workshops that I might be interested in, to having calls with the team which boosted my confidence and gave me a platform to talk about my story.
I’m really interested in the creative industry; especially media and marketing. Sometimes I feel like this interest came from my dad being interested in media but I think my love for it started when I was in year 6 and was always making my own YouTube videos. I also just love doodling and creating things in general!My Apprentice Nation Mentor Session, with Pete Jeavons, Director of Communications and Marketing at BT, EE & Plusnet, helped me to realise that I can eventually reach my goal of working within the creative industry. It might be hard getting there at the beginning, but as long as I’m trying my best to network then I know I can get there. I’ve recently signed up to the Open Apprenticeship scheme to get to know more about the industry that I want to go into. I also try to reach out to individuals who I think might be able to help me out with my next steps. Staying up to date on the Apprentice Nation newsletters is really helpful to see what opportunities are available.
How has 2020 and the impact of COVID changed your perspective on your career and future?
It’s made me realise that having a job or career in this day and age does make you quite lucky. Covid has affected so many people, especially employment-wise. I’m grateful to have an apprenticeship where I can learn and earn, but it’s also made me think about where I want to be in the future within the same business or another business.
What challenges have you faced in shaping your future?
It was really hard for me to find an apprenticeship within school. I don’t know if I was applying to places correctly or if I just needed that extra guidance. While everyone was preparing for uni, I was hoping that I would get an apprenticeship.
How has your confidence ever got in the way of going for an opportunity or pursuing a goal?
My confidence has held me back many times for opportunities that I could have pursued in the past. I’m still trying to work on that right now but I believe that I have started taking up a few more opportunities where I can. I’ve been trying to act and feel more confident as an individual and just being my own person who doesn’t always care about other people’s opinions of me. I’ve started sticking up for myself more and only doing things which are good for me.
If your lifestyle could be represented in a music artist what would it be and why?
My lifestyle would probably be represented by Rex Orange County. He talks about all the ups and downs in life, and also about moving on with certain things that have happened. I love his genre of music which is alternative; sometimes his music can be sad but also so relatable.
Devina’s Top Tips to Shape Your Future:
- Don’t feel you have to follow the crowd: All my friends were applying for university but I knew it wasn’t right for me. It’s important to stay focussed on your own journey, especially if you’re making different choices to those around you.
- Mentorship can be really powerful: Talking to people and taking advice can really help you to shape your future.
- Challenge Misconceptions: For example, many people think that you don’t get to socialise if you choose an apprenticeship over uni; that couldn’t be further from the truth for me!
- Build transferable skills: By just being in a work environment, I’m learning all sorts of skills to help me to shape my future, wherever I go.